Bagchi, S., & M.E. Ritchie (2010). Introduced grazers can restrict potential soil carbon sequestration through impacts on plant community composition. Ecology Letters 13: 959-968. [PDF]

Bagchi, S., T. Namgail, & M.E. Ritchie (2006). Small mammalian herbivores as mediators of plant community dynamics in the high-altitude arid rangelands of Trans-Himalayas. Biological Conservation 127: 438-442.

Engelhardt, K., M.E. Ritchie. 2002. Mechanisms of effects of plant diversity on wetland ecosystem function and services. Ecology in press.

Ritchie, M.E. 2002. Competition and coexistence in mobile animals. Pages 127-141 In: Sommer, U. and B. Worm (editors), Competition and coexistence. Springer, Berlin.

Haskell, J.H., M.E. Ritchie, and H.Olff. 2002. Fractal geometry predicts varying body size scaling relationships for mammal and bird home ranges. Nature 418: 527-530. [PDF]

Pitt, W.C. and M.E. Ritchie. 2002. Influence of prey distribution on the functional response of lizards.Oikos 96:157-163.

Olff, H., M.E. Ritchie, and H.H.T. Prins. 2002. Global determinants of diversity in large herbivores. Nature415: 901-904.

Olff, H. and M.E. Ritchie. 2002. Fragmented nature: consequences for biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning 58: 83-92.

Ritchie, M.E. and D.R. McCullough. 2002. Spatially structured population dynamics in ungulates: causes and consequences in a scaling context. In Merrill, E. (ed.) Ungulate Ecology and Management: Integrating Across Spatial Scales. In press.

Haddad, N., D. Tilman, J. Haarstad, M.E. Ritchie, and J.M.H. Knops. 2001. Contrasting effects of plant diversity and composition on insect communities: a field experiment. American Naturalist 158: 17-35.

Engelhardt, K.A. and M.E. Ritchie. 2001. Effects of plant diversity on wetland ecosystem function and services. Nature 410: 687-689. [PDF]

Davis, M.A., D. Tilman, S.A. Hobbie, C.L. Lehman, P.B. Reich, J.M.H. Knops, S. Naeem, M.E. Ritchie, and D.A. Wedin. 2001. Public access and use of electronically archived data: ethical considerations. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 82: 90-91.

Olff, H. and M.E. Ritchie. 2000. Fragmented nature: consequences for biodiversity. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on sustainable land use planning, Wageningen 2000 (ed. By G. Carsjens), pp. 3-16.

Ritchie, M.E. 2000. Nitrogen limitation and trophic vs. abiotic influences on insect herbivores in a temperate grassland. Ecology 81: 1601-1612.

Knops, J. M. H., M.E. Ritchie and D. Tilman. 2000. The effect of selective herbivory on a nitrogen fixing legume (Lathyrus venosus) on productivity and ecosystem nitrogen pools of an oak savanna. Ecoscience7: 166-174.

Ritchie, M.E. and H. Olff. 1999. Spatial scaling laws yield a synthetic theory of biodiversity. Nature 400: 557-560. [PDF]

Ritchie, M.E. 1999. Biodiversity and reduced extinction risks in spatially isolated rodent populations.Ecology Letters 2: 11-16.

Ritchie, M.E. and Olff, H. 1999. Herbivore diversity and plant dynamics: compensatory vs. additive effects. Pages 175-204 In: Olff, H., Brown, V.K., and Drent, R. (eds.). Herbivores: Between Plants and Predators. Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Knops, J.M.H., D.Tilman, N. Haddad, J. Haarstad, S. Naeem, C. Mitchell, M.E. Ritchie, K. Howe, J. Groth, P. Reich. 1999. Cascading effects of plant diversity on invasions, diseases, and insects. Ecology Letters2: 286-293.

Ritchie, M.E. 1998. Scale-dependent foraging and patch choice in fractal environments. Evolutionary Ecology 12: 309-330.

Ritchie, M.E., D.Tilman, and J.M.H. Knops. 1998. Herbivore effects on plant and nitrogen dynamics in oak savanna. Ecology 79: 165-177.

Olff, H., and Ritchie, M.E. 1998. Herbivore effects on grassland plant diversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 13: 261-265.

Siemann, E., Tilman, D., Haarstad, J. and Ritchie, M.E. 1998. Experimental tests of the dependence of arthropod diversity on plant diversity. American Naturalist 152: 738-750.

Ritchie, M.E. 1997. Population dynamics in a landscape context: sources, sinks, and metapopulations. Pages 160-184 In Bissonette, J.A. (ed.). Wildlife and Landscape Ecology, Springer, New York.

Tilman, D., Knops, J.M.H., Wedin D., Reich P., Ritchie, M.E., and Siemann, E. 1997. Functional diversity and composition influence ecosystem processes. Science 277: 1300-16.

Tilman, D., S. Naeem, J.M.H. Knops, P. Reich, E. Siemann, D. Wedin, M.E. Ritchie, and J.H. Lawton. 1997. Biodiversity and ecosystem properties. Science 277: 1866-1867.

Ritchie, M.E., Zablan, M., Bodenchuk, M., Bolander, R., Bonebrake, R., Grandison, K., McDonald, K. 1997. Utah prairie dog interim conservation strategy. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Salt Lake City, Utah, 25 pp.

Ritchie, M.E. 1996. Interaction of temperature and resources in population dynamics: an experimental test of theory. Pages 79-92 In: Floyd, R.B., Sheppard, A.W., and DeBarro, P.J. (eds.) Frontiers in Population Ecology. CSIRO Press, Melbourne.

Ritchie, M.E. 1996. Variability in mammalian population dynamics scaled by generation time: some theoretical expectations. Pages 150-151 In: Floyd, R.B., Sheppard, A.W., and DeBarro, P.J. (eds.)Frontiers in Population Ecology. CSIRO Press, Melbourne, Australia.

Ritchie, M.E., Tilman, D. 1995. Responses of legumes to herbivores and nutrients during succession on a nitrogen-poor soil. Ecology 76: 2648-2655.

Ritchie, M.E., Wolfe, M.L. 1994. Sustaining rangelands: application of ecological theory to evaluate the risks of alternative grazing systems. Pages 328-336 in Sustainable Ecological Systems, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-247, Ft Collins, Colorado.

Ritchie, M.E., Wolfe, M.L., Danvir, R. 1994. Predation on artificial sage grouse nests in treated and untreated sagebrush. Great Basin Naturalist, 54:122-129.

Belovsky, G.E., Bissonette, J.A., Dueser, R.D., Edwards, T.C., Luecke C.M., Ritchie, M.E., Slade, J.B., and Wagner, F.H. 1994. Management of small populations: concepts affecting the recovery of endangered species. Wildlife Society Bulletin 22: 307-316.

Ritchie, M.E., Tilman, D. 1993. Predictions of species interactions from consumer?resource theory: experimental tests with plants and grasshoppers. Oecologia 94: 516-527.

Ritchie, M.E. 1992. Chaotic dynamics in food limited populations: implications for wildlife management. Pages 139?147 in McCullough, D.R., Barrett, R. (eds.). Wildlife 2001: Populations. Elsevier Press, London.

Ritchie, M.E., Tilman, D. 1992. Interspecific competition among grasshoppers and their effect on plant abundance in experimental field environments. Oecologia 89: 524-532.

Ritchie, M.E. 1991. Inheritance of optimal foraging ability in Columbian ground squirrels. Evolutionary Ecology 5: 146-159.

Schmitz, O.J., Ritchie, M.E. 1991. Optimal diet selection with variable nutrient intake: balancing the risk of starvation with reproduction. Theoretical Population Biology 39: 100-114.

Ritchie, M.E., Belovsky, G.E. 1990. Sociality of Columbian ground squirrels in relation to their seasonal energy intake. Oecologia 83: 495-503.

Ritchie, M.E. 1990. Optimal foraging and fitness in Columbian ground squirrels. Oecologia 82: 56-67.

Belovsky, G.E., Ritchie, M.E., Moorehead, J. 1989. Foraging in complex environments: when food availability varies in time and space. Theoretical Population Biology 36: 144-160.

Ritchie, M.E. 1988. Individual variation in the ability of Columbian ground squirrels to select an optimal diet. Evolutionary Ecology 2: 232-252.